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36 Results from library.wustl.edu
Miranda Rectenwald
https://library.washu.edu/directory/miranda-rectenwald/Collecting Area Local History (St. Louis area) Bio Miranda joined the Julian Edison Department of Special Collections in 2006. She holds an...
LGBTQ History Month Spotlight: Martha Ficklen Papers
https://library.washu.edu/news/lgbtq-history-month-spotlight-martha-ficken-papers/As we conclude LGBTQ History Month this October, we are spotlighting a recent addition to the Special Collections at WashU...
From the Archives: Documenting Ferguson
https://library.washu.edu/news/from-the-archives-documenting-ferguson/When protesters took to the streets in 2014 after the shooting death of Michael Brown, Jr., librarians and archivists at...
2024 Mendel Sato Research Award Winners
https://library.washu.edu/news/2024-mendel-sato-research-award-winners/WashU Libraries are excited to announce the winners of the fourth annual Mendel Sato Research Award. Congratulations to WashU students Audrey...
The Autobiography of William Wells Brown
https://library.washu.edu/news/the-autobiography-of-william-wells-brown/WashU Libraries’ recent acquisition of a first British edition of Narrative of William W. Brown, an American Slave, Written by Himself...
Morning Curator Chat on Gateway to the East Exhibition
https://library.washu.edu/events/morning-curator-chat-on-gateway-to-the-east-exhibition/Stop by for a casual tour of the exhibition Gateway to the East: China at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. Chat...
Afternoon Curator Chat on Gateway to the East Exhibition
https://library.washu.edu/events/curator-chat-on-gateway-to-the-east-exhibition/Stop by for a casual tour of the exhibition Gateway to the East: China at the 1904 St. Louis World’s...
New Collection Highlight: The Joy of Cooking
https://library.washu.edu/news/new-collection-highlight-the-joy-of-cooking/Special Collections is delighted to add a signed copy of Irma Rombauer’s The Joy of Cooking (1943) to the local...
Gateway to the East: China at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair
https://library.washu.edu/exhibitions/gateway-east/The Louisiana Purchase Exposition, also known as the St. Louis World’s Fair, opened its doors to the public on April...
Making Zines to Honor LGBTQ History Month
https://library.washu.edu/news/making-zines-to-honor-lgbtq-history-month/Zines and Queer History When the Spectrum office asked if I would collaborate on an LGBTQ History Month event, my...
Chris Jackson and Chrystal Jackson: Somewhere in the Stars
https://library.washu.edu/exhibitions/somewhere-stars/The Chris Jackson Collection preserves a history of LGBTQ culture and musical theater.
Libraries Welcome New Student Advisory Group
https://library.washu.edu/news/libraries-welcome-new-student-advisory-group/This semester, the University Libraries launched a new Libraries Student Advisory Group (LSAG) to strengthen communications, input, and ideas between...