Update on Course Reserves for Spring 2021
Staff at the Washington University Libraries are planning course reserves support for the spring 2021 semester.
Physical reserves will be unavailable for spring courses in order to support the safety of staff and the Washington University community, but electronic reserves will be supported.
Electronic Reserves
- Electronic resources within the University Libraries’ digital collections will be linked to Ares.
- When feasible, ebooks will be purchased and linked within Ares.
- Print materials will be scanned in accordance with fair use policies. Large portions of a book or entire books that are within copyright will not be scanned.
- Streaming media, including films, will be provided in accordance with the University Libraries’ streaming policy.
- Requests submitted by January 4, 2021, will be given first priority, while requests submitted after January 4 will be processed in the order they are received.
- Submitting requests via Ares and providing a need-by date will help to expedite requests.
Instructors are responsible for operating within fair use guidelines when placing materials on reserve, particularly electronic readings such as book chapters and journal articles. For copyright information, please refer to the university’s Faculty Guidance for Copyrights.
If you are a faculty member associated with the Brown School of Social Work or the Law School, please contact your departmental library for course reserves support.
The Reserves staff can be reached via email or (314) 935-5451 for assistance.