[Updated] University of Missouri Libraries Unavailable on MOBIUS Catalog
There will be changes to the MOBIUS online library catalog, which allows users to request items from Missouri libraries outside Washington University.
Four of the University of Missouri campuses (UM Columbia, UMKC, UMSL, and MS&T) will have outdated holdings in the MOBIUS online library catalog for at least one year, beginning May 15, while the UM Libraries migrate to a new library system.
The UM system Libraries will not shut off MOBIUS access on April 15, 2022, as previously announced, however their new collections acquired after May 15 will only be available through traditional resource sharing. Washington University faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to submit an interlibrary loan request. If you are affiliated with the law school, please reach out to the Law Library staff for interlibrary loan assistance.
This system migration does not impact the medical school or the Becker Medical Library. In addition please be aware that Washington University faculty, staff, and students will not have MOBIUS checkout privileges if you visit these UM libraries during the migration.
Contact Olin Library Circulation (circ@wumail.wustl.edu, 5-5420) or Deb Ehrstein, Head of Access, Olin Library (dehrstein@wustl.edu, 5-4087) for further assistance or questions.