University Libraries Collaborate on Publication of Teaching Resource
Digital Library Program Services (DLPS) at Washington University Libraries is excited to announce the publication of Teaching and Learning for Social Impact: Resources for (Re)Designing Your Course. The publication is a collaboration between the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement, Arts & Sciences, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Washington University Libraries.

This teaching “schema” is a dynamic, non-linear resource designed to help faculty integrate current events into their courses in order to support student learning and respond to the pandemic, Black Lives Matter, the election, and/or the St. Louis community in ways that are aligned with their educational values.
Emily Stenberg, Scholarly Publishing and Digital Scholarship manager at the University Libraries, worked with Amanda Albert, instructional specialist in Arts & Sciences, and Cassie Power, associate director for faculty and academic engagement at the Gephardt Institute, to publish Teaching and Learning for Social Impact in Scalar, a free, open-source authoring and publishing platform. Hosted by the University of Southern California Libraries, Scalar “gives authors tools to structure essay- and book-length works in ways that take advantage of the unique capabilities of digital writing, including nested, recursive, and non-linear formats.”
Teaching and Learning for Social Impact: Resources for (Re)Designing Your Course can also be accessed through Washington University’s Open Scholarship repository.
DLPS provides tools and services to support the WashU community’s scholarly publishing and digital scholarship and the University Libraries’ digital collections and assets. Contact Abigail Bordeaux, head of the Digital Library, or Emily Stenberg for more information or to discuss project ideas.