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University Libraries Announce Phase 2 Service Plan

Dear Washington University Libraries users and community members,

The University Libraries look forward to welcoming members of our campus community in fall 2020. We have developed a plan and updated our services so that we can safely continue to fulfill our mission of advancing research and learning outcomes for Washington University.

The health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff are our top priorities. As we move into the fall semester, we continue to do all that we can to make our services and collections available and to support instruction and research.

Some Key Elements of Our Fall 2020 Plan Include…

  • Most Danforth Campus locations will remain closed to the public. John M. Olin Library will be accessible to the Washington University community for the specific services outlined below. The Law Library will be accessible on a limited basis to persons directly affiliated with the School of Law.
  • Materials from John M. Olin Library and all other Danforth Campus locations will be available via our curbside pickup service to anyone with a valid WashU ID.
  • We will expand our capacity to support access to digital materials, including scanning of print materials, special collections, and eResources for course reserves.
  • Virtual research consultations and instruction will be provided by our subject librarians, and we offer 24-hour reference support via our  24/7 chat service.
  • Interlibrary loan services will resume, including the ability to request materials from ILLiad and MOBIUS.
  • Patrons will be able to utilize the Bookeye scanner and microfilm available in Olin Library by appointment.
  • Access to printing services and some of the university’s “Zoom-Study-Dine” pods will be established in designated portions of John M. Olin Library.
  • The Julian Edison Department of Special Collections will be open on a limited basis to researchers by appointment and will offer virtual instruction.
  • Our Data Services team will continue to provide virtual Help Desk sessions, as well as remote access to the Research Studio.

The timing of these services is still being determined, but they will be available by the start of the fall semester. Please see the COVID-19 Updates and Resources page on our website for further details.

You may also visit the Bernard Becker Medical Library and Law Library websites for current hours and operations information at those locations.

We remain committed to our core mission of supporting the academic life of the university. We are also working to protect the health and safety of our staff and our community. We acknowledge that we may need to modify our plans in the coming months and appreciate your understanding and flexibility.

If you have any questions about our plan, you are welcome to contact me directly or reach out to your subject liaison.


Denise Stephens
Vice Provost and University Librarian