Notable Books to Celebrate Black History Month
In celebration of Black History Month, the Washington University Libraries are sharing book recommendations on the subject of critical race theory. The books are available in John M. Olin Library and other Danforth campus libraries.
The list was created by Rudolph Clay, subject librarian for African and African American studies and urban studies.
Critical Race Theory: A Primer by Khiara Bridges

Critical Race Theory: An Introduction by Jean Stefancic and Richard Delgado

DisCrit: Disability Studies and Critical Race Theory in Education, edited by David J. Connor et al

How Indians Think: Colonial Indigenous Intellectuals and the Question of Critical Race Theory by Gonzalo Lamana

Racial Microaggressions: Using Critical Race Theory to Respond to Everyday Racism by Daniel G. Solórzano and Lindsay Pérez

Critical Race Theory and Copyright in American Dance: Whiteness as Status Property by Caroline Joan Picart

For more questions about the listed books or other reading recommendations, please contact Rudolph Clay.