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Expanded New York Times Access Now Available

University Libraries is excited to announce that a campus-wide New York Times subscription is now available to all faculty, staff, and students. This provides access to and the NYTimes mobile app at the Basic Digital Access level.

To access this new resource, users will need to create an account following these directions:

On-Campus Directions

  • Use the following link: On-Campus Access to New York Times Online
  • Search for and click the listing for “Washington University – Saint Louis, MO”* 
  • Choose the “On campus click here” option
  • Click Create Account and complete registration fields

Note: If you have trouble creating your account, check that you are on the wustl-encrypted-2.0 wi-fi network

Off-Campus Directions

  • Login to the Libraries’ proxy server with your WUSTLkey credentials
  • Search for and click the listing for “Washington University – Saint Louis, MO”* 
  • Click Create Account and complete registration fields

*If you had a NYTimes account through WashU in the past you may not be asked to select a school.

Visit our New York Times Online Access research guide for additional details.

Please see the Becker Medical Library’s accompanying article for information on New York Times Online access through Becker.

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