A Day in the Life
The portability of miniature books makes them perfect for carrying and using throughout daily life. A large portion of the Julian and Hope Edison Collection of Miniature Books consists of genres of books meant for everyday use, such as almanacs, calendars, and diaries. These genres are commonly printed in smaller sizes and often include space to make notes.
Sometimes readers choose books not intended for daily use, such as books with personal significance, to carry with them and use as diaries or calendars. Previous owners may have written in these books, providing small glimpses into their daily lives.
Notes in books range from a simple name to details about friends and family to important dates and events. Some owners who wrote about their lives are identified through inscriptions or personal information in the books, while others remain anonymous.

This exhibition was organized by the Curator of Rare Books Collection Cassie Brand along with the Special Collections Catalog Librarian and Russian Studies Librarian Masha Sapp for WashU Libraries.