An anecdotic topography of chance: Una topografía anecdótica del azar
¿Cuáles son las historias que se esconden en los objetos cotidianos? ¿Por qué importa pensarlas al escribir? Este breve taller te invita a explorar las relaciones sociales y de producción, las políticas de valor, y las conexiones afectivas que hay detrás o establecemos alrededor de las cosas que desechamos y guardamos.
What are the stories behind everyday objects? Why does it matter while we write? In this workshop in Spanish, distinguished artist and author Verónica Gerber Bicecci will invite attendees to explore the social and productive relationships, the value we inscribe, as well as the affective connections behind the objects we choose to keep and to discard.
Participants must bring an everyday object of their preference. More instructions on the characteristics of the object will come as we close the registration.
Note: This workshop will be held in Spanish and conversational Spanish is required for participation. Please arrive early so that we can start on time. Doors will open 15 minutes before the workshop begins.
Free and open to all, registration requested.
This event is co-sponsored by University Libraries, the Department of Romance Languages & Literatures, the Program in Comparative Literature, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, the American Culture Studies Program, the Center for the Humanities, and the Center for Literary Arts.