The Eric Newman Money Collection The Money Collection exhibition contained several fascinating items related to the creation of currency like planchets, coinage dies, and printing...
When They Were Young: Juvenilia in the Modern Literature Collection This exhibition examined collections within the Julian Edison Department of Special Collections and looked at notable authors’ earliest writings.
Peter and Donna Thomas Known for their miniatures, the Thomases often give talks and demonstrations on how to tailor book bindings to the miniature...
The Black Panther The Black Panther exhibition chronicled the character's development and provided unique visual context and perspective on the 2018 film.
Forms of the Book This exhibition explored how non-traditional forms of the book encourage discussion of the nature of the book itself.
The Monster Challenge The Monster Challenge celebrated Mary Shelly's novel by challenging students to reimagine Frankenstein's monster for the 21st century.
Worlds of Imagination The Worlds of Imagination exhibition showcases materials from Special Collections and features themes of youth and playfulness.
The St. Louis Browns This exhibition was made up of baseball memorabilia celebrating the St. Louis Browns.
Biedermeier Greeting Cards This exhibition highlights a beautiful collection of Biedermeier greeting cards from the early 19th century.
The Life and Legacy of a Himalayan Buddhist Master: Pema Döndrub (1668 –1744) This exhibition documents research conducted by Anthropology Professor Geoff Childs and traces the legacy of a Buddhist Lama from Nubri....
Kid Collector: Artifacts from Growing Up in the ’90s On display at the Collect O'Rama table, Kid Collector: Artifacts from Growing Up in the ‘90s highlights colorful toys, games,...