Technology Policies

Library Technology End User Policy

WashU Libraries’ Library Technology Services (LTS) provides computing resources for students, faculty, staff, and authorized visitors to all libraries on the Danforth campus except the Law Library and Brown School Library.

For questions about technology resources at the Law Library, Bernard Becker Medical Library, and Brown School Library, users should contact those libraries directly.

All WashU policies on Information Security and Accpetable Use are fully applicable and enforced in all uses of Libraries-provided systems and software.

Access to Systems

Designated Libraries systems and online research resources are limited to current WashU community members and can be accessed through authorized WashU Key accounts.

Printing and Copying

Printing and copying services in the Libraries are solely available to members of the WashU community.

Files and Storage

Files cannot be stored directly on Libraries’ computers. By default, all files, programs, and software not pre-installed on Libraries’ computers will be erased. Users should save their work and files to an external storage device (e.g., USB flash drive) or a cloud storage account (e.g., OneDrive, Box).

Circumventing WashU policies to compromise the security of an account, system, device, network, or WashU partner will not be tolerated. Users will adhere to the terms of all End User License Agreements and Terms of Service for the computing resources provided. In cases of misuse or threat to WashU systems and networks, access may be revoked immediately.