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Information and Resources for Voting in the 2022 Elections

An important state election is taking place on November 8, and the Washington University Libraries have teamed up with the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement to provide timely resources and information to help members of the WashU community successfully cast their votes. Below you will find helpful guidelines, tools, and deadlines related to voting.

For more information about voter engagement resources, visit our Resource Guide about the election, washuvotes.wustl.edu, or learn more from Gephardt Institute via Facebook and Instagram.


If you have never registered to vote before or if you have moved since the last election, you can check your registration to ensure your current address is your registered address. You can register to vote using the TurboVote tool. If you have any questions, send an email to the Gephardt Institute’s Voter Engagement Coordinator, Louis, at j.louis@wustl.edu

If you are living in St. Louis this semester, you are eligible to register to vote in either Missouri or your home state. If you are taking classes from outside of St. Louis this se­mester, you are only eligible to vote at your current address. 

The deadline to register to vote in Missouri was October 12. Check registration deadlines for other states at Vote.Org’s Voter Registration Deadlines.


All voters should check to make sure their voter registration file is active before the upcoming election. You can check your voter registration in any state Vote.Org’s Are You Registered to Vote? registration status checker. If you just registered, it may take 1-2 weeks before your file shows up in the system.


There are three options for voting: voting in person, using an absentee ballot, or using a mail-in ballot (not available in all states). You should consider how you plan to vote now so you do not miss any deadlines, especially for mail-in and absentee voting. You can check voting options for your state with Vote411 Voting Rules. You can also sign up for reminders for important deadlines with WashU’s TurboVote.


This option is for individuals who would like to vote in person at the polls on Election Day (November 8th). If you are in St. Louis, there will be a polling place on campus that St. Louis County residents can use. For voters outside of St. Louis County, you can use this polling place locator to find your assigned polling place.


Absentee voting is for individuals who will be “absent” on Elec­tion Day. In Missouri, an excuse is necessary to vote absentee by mail. Valid excuses can be found on the Missouri Secretary of State’s website. Beginning on October 25th, no-excuse, in-person absentee voting will be available at local election authorities and their designated satellite locations. St. Louis City voters can find their polling places with the St. Louis Polling Places finder and St. Louis County can find their locations through the St. Louis County Board of Elections. It is important that you request an absentee ballot before your state’s deadline.

The following list of individuals of notaries on the WashU campus provides information about people who are willing to notarize mail-in and absentee ballots by appointment. Please reach out to notaries directly to schedule a time to get your ballot notarized.

If you have any questions about this list or general voting processes and procedures, please reach out to Lindsay Gassman, Voter Engagement Fellow, at washuvotes@wustl.edu.

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