A typed postcard from Walter M. Goldschmidt to his father dated 13 August 1945.
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John M. Olin Library, Level 1, Newman Tower of Collections and Exploration

Stories From World War II

A full-color, half-page width Victory Girl Calendar spread. A red-lipsticked woman wearing a bright red blazer stands arms crossed in front of the United States flag with a small calendar for January 1944 printed at the bottom.
A pocket-sized Victory Girl Calendar from January 1944.

The Stories From World War II exhibition brings together stories from the Second World War told through special collections. A variety of personal accounts are presented along with currencies from concentration camps and illustrated calendars that underscore the impact of the war on individuals everywhere.

Highlights include the Walter M. Goldschmidt letters written to his parents during his time serving in Europe and items from the William Miles collection, a documentary filmmaker who has explored the stories of African American soldiers during the war.

Header Image Credit: Walter M. Goldschmidt Papers, Goldschmidt postcard.

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