West Campus Library

Seating outside West Campus.

The West Campus Library is a staff facility that houses various library operations and general and special collections. Most materials at West Campus circulate to WashU students, faculty, and staff and can be delivered to the Danforth library of your choice.

Fragile or valuable materials, especially from the West Campus Closed Stacks, may be restricted to the Special Collections Reading Room of Olin Library or the Kranzberg Art & Architecture Library.

Requesting Materials from West Campus Library

If you need an item sent from West Campus to a Danforth Campus library for pickup:

If you need a chapter or article from an item at West Campus Library:

If you are unable to place a request in the library catalog or need further assistance with West Campus Library materials, submit an Item Request Form or contact the Offsite Collections Access unit via email (CFU-LIB-OffsiteCollections@email.wustl.edu).


7425 Forsyth Blvd.
St. Louis, MO
West Campus East Building
Lower Level
Phone: (314) 935-5465
Email: CFU-LIB-OffsiteCollections@email.wustl.edu

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